Historic Cuttack Baliyatra to resume after 2 Years Gap from 8th Nov to 14th Nov (2022)

Views: 2198
PC: Odisha Tourism

The historic Baliyatra (Journey to Bali) festival is going to resume after 2 long years.

Bali Jatra bears testimony to the rich maritime legacy of ancient Odisha. This is the specific time that was considered auspicious by the Sadhabas to begin their voyage in vessels called Boitas. The voyage is begun on Kartika Purnima to take advantage of the favorable wind blowing during this time. ..@wikipedia

For more details on the History and other details visit BaliJatra- A Preservance of Odisha’s Glorious Maritime Culture

Baliyatra 2022 Date

Typically the yatra starts on the auspicious day of Kartika Purnima. (Kartika Purnima is a Hindu, Sikh and Jain cultural festival, celebrated on the Purnima (full moon) day or the fifteenth lunar day of Kartik (November–December) month.)

Baliyatra 2022 date: 8th November to 14th November

Balijatra stalls

Baliyatra 2022 Ground Updates

Yatra area will be enhanced

The district administration in association with Cuttack Development Authority (CDA), Cuttack Municipal Corporation (CMC) and in coordination with other line departments have drawn up a road map for its arrangement. Expecting more footfall, the administration has planned to extend the area to 100 acre this time. Source: newindianexpress

Additional Attractions:

  • Authorities are planning to execute Water Sports in Mahanadi river, which is expected to be a big hit.
  • There will be 2 Stages- Baishnab Pani Manch will be engaged for traditional cultural program and the other one will be used for modern cultural events catering to the young crowd.
  • Also there will be an pavilion to hold the discussions on different themes of the cultural heritage of Odisha

Communication Update

Departments will definitely arrange the special routs, entries, exists, parking lots etc. And they will notify just before the start of the event. There is a plan to allocate 40 acres of area only for Parking, which will give extra space for the people to park their vehicles.